Ellen going viral on Twitter.

       17 million people retweeted a photo of Ellen in just a few days. To me this shows the value of maintaining social connections via social media because she could never have gone so viral if she had just then started the accounts in Twitter. Of coarse 17 million is not a shocking number for our modern ears, but for Twitter to post the story that many times could mean hundreds of millions of viewers with even more social buzz caused by the new record reached.
       Why should this make any sort of buzz for our class? Because it shows the power of social media to spread an idea or images. It’s nice to see Ellen control that spread and intentionally create that viral reaction. It’s awakening to imagine how that would have gone if it was some embarrassing photo of her which hit the web.
       Whether or not you believe you are in control or not, your information and image can be spread to millions of people in every corner of the worldwide web in an instant, so it makes sense to be very conservative with what you put out there to the world.


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