Miracle Matt POST 10

"The beauty of capitalism is that it can be as ugly as the human imagination can conjure."


"Give me one reason to stay here" -Tracy Chapman

In regulated markets and bureaucratic organizations like government, university, or your restrictive parents in high school all activities are monitored by what is acceptable and what will "pass" For these reasons, the previously-mentioned organizations and many like them are constantly outputting a bad product that nobody wants. Very few millennials will spend as much money on anything as they do towards college. With all that funding, what are the results? Are they spectacular? Nah...

We spend so much time learning that failing is bad, that we never really learn how to fail correctly. We teach that if you mess up an assignment, you have lost the grade, been shut down, or otherwise regulated out of opportunity.  The free market is a treasure trove of opportunities which will result in miracle mattress making a really bad mistake - making light of a national tragedy which was to recent to poke at in the eyes of the audience. Because of mistakes like this, every marketing director across the country has viewed and shaken their heads at this gaffe. This mistake will not be repeated because it would be expensive to make it! Nobody wants to cut themselves short, and so every business will naturally bend over backwards to find satisfying products for their potential customers.

When the school has a mistake, they don't change for the satisfaction of their paying customers, but rather they make a rule against some specific error as they see it and punish people for making mistakes similar to it in the future. YOU SEE? Business makes a mistake and naturally avoids it, government monopolies like university make mistakes worse by adding punishment to peril and inconvenience all the while ignoring the students who pay for their incompetence.

Of course Miracle mattress screwed up, but at least they had the freedom to make a mistake. In school, we are regulated into cradles of safety where mistakes are despised and non-conforming ideas, activities, words, and organizations are shunned like the plague. School teaches conformity more than innovation. It's a shame that the university is set up this way. Some really smart people go to college, and come out processors. People in authority, as they see them, put in a set kind of event/language/life event and then the robots of university spit out the resultant programmed response with little thought as to what might be in any other frame of mind because conformity is rewarded above thought and innovation in every way.

So I say hail to the mistakes that at least the market will allow. I can't wait to be out of the grind of school which is so designated as a grind because of the FACT that you are all a cog in a machine. Of coarse people make mistakes, we never expected less. If you join some company as a supporting role, you'll be a cog there too. As for me, I am off to freedom and I can't wait to kick rubrics and regulations that come from the slavery of this machine.  Thanks for reading my rant!


  1. This is a very interesting blog post. Way to put your own twist on things and relate this social media case to something you feel strongly about!

  2. I really enjoyed reading your post! I agree with you university's breed conformity, so reading your post was refreshing.

  3. I really liked how you brought your own point of view into this post. Great examples.


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