Basketball Cop
This is the best subject of the year for a few fundamental reasons: 1. Basketball 2. Shaq 3. Community support 4. Solid moral lesson Police arrives and plays ball Shaq shows up The story is old now, but the moral is fresh. In the neighborhood of a lower-income area in Georgia, a police officer was dispatched to address a sound violation (probably disturbing the peace). When he arrived he found that it was what looked like innocent basket ballery taking place. That complainer was later featured on Shaqtin a fool for flopping. Instead of reacting harshly, the officer stayed and played with the fellas and made friends with them. He then used his friendship to ask them as a peer to keep it down, but to have fun. He concludes with a proposition of bringing backup the next day to play in a real game. The post was viralized through social media and Shaq got a hold of it. He decided to go to the neighborhood himself to meet the kids and the officer. It is awesome that Shaq was...